Dental erosions
When dental erosions are detected, assess for GERD.139, 140
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Empirical Expert
Oral disease (eg, periodontal disease, caries, missing teeth and dental erosions that are associated with GERD) is more prevalent among people with IDD than in the general population.137, 138
Oral hygiene
Monitor oral health status and encourage daily oral hygiene routines, periodic professional dental care, and other preventive oral care measures.143
Strongly Recommended
Empirical Expert
Poor oral health substantially affects nutrition and respiratory and cardiac health and can contribute to behavioural disturbances.140, 141 However, people with IDD can have difficulty maintaining oral hygiene routines and accessing dental services that accommodate their needs.142
137. Anders PL, Davis EL. Oral health of patients with intellectual disabilities: A systematic review. Spec Care Dentist. 2010;30(3):110-7.
138. Fernandez JB, Lim LJ, Dougherty N, LaSasso J, Atar M, Daronch M. Oral health findings in athletes with intellectual disabilities at the NYC special olympics. Spec Care Dentist. 2012;32(5):205-9.
139. Picos A, Chisnoiu A, Dumitrasc DL. Dental erosion in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. Adv Clin Exp Med. 2013;22(3):303-7.
140. Therapeutic Guidelines Limited. Oral health. In: Management guidelines developmental disability. 3rd ed. Melbourne, Australia: Therapeutic Guidelines Ltd; 2012. p. 240-3.
141. Binkley CJ, Haugh GS, Kitchens DH, Wallace DL, Sessler DI. Oral microbial and respiratory status of persons with mental retardation/intellectual and developmental disability: An observational cohort study. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology. 2009;108(5):722-31.
142. Morgan JP, Minihan PM, Stark PC, Finkelman MD, Yantsides KE, Park A, et al. The oral health status of 4,732 adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. J Am Dent Assoc. 2012;143(8):838-46.
143. Finkelman M.D., Stark P.C., Tao W., Morgan J.P. Relationship between duration of treatment and oral health in adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Special Care in Dentistry. 2014;34(4):171-5.