COVID-19 and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Information for Healthcare Providers
Since the start of the 2020 pandemic, a large amount of information has become available about the novel coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) and the disease it causes (COVID-19). This webpage gives you selected information about COVID-19 and how it affects people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their caregivers, including:
- Questions and answers with the latest evidence-based information, including practice considerations for health care providers.
- Practical tools and resources to support and promote the health of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Monthly news updates highlighting emerging issues related to developmental disabilities and COVID-19.
- Stories of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who experienced COVID-19.
- Social media and expert blogs to follow.
For the latest general information about COVID-19 by the Public Health Agency of Canada, we recommend that you visit the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) website, at the Government of Canada. For public health recommendations in Ontario, read the Ontario Ministry of Health COVID-19 information.
For guidance relevant to COVID-19 and the care for people with disabilities, see also:
- Guidance for Group Homes for Individuals with Disabilities, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention
- COVID-19 and people with disabilities in Canada, Government of Canada
- COVID-19 Resources for Congregate Living Settings, Public Health Ontario
- COVID-19 Guidance: Home and Community Care Providers, Ontario Ministry of Health
- Primary Care Guidance Regarding COVID-19 for Those Who Care for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, William F. Sullivan (May 18, 2020).
If you are a primary care provider in Ontario, we recommend the COVID-19 Resource Centre at the Centre for Effective Practice for general COVID-19 clinical guidance, including for special populations.