
Genetic Assessment Frequently Asked Questions

Genetic Assessment of Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Frequently Asked Questions


This tip sheet provides information for finding the nearest Canadian genetic centre, indications for referral and how to make a referral, and outlines information to give the person with an intellectual and developmental disability and their support persons regarding the referral process.

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Genetics Education Canada – Knowledge Organization. Not-for-profit genetics and genomics education for non-genetics health professionals.

Canadian Association of Genetic Counsellors. List of medical genetic centres located across Canada.

The Family Medicine Genetics Program. Primary care resources. Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario

Gene Reviews, University of Washington, Seattle

Orphanet. Provides information on rare diseases and orphan drugs.

Clinical lead

Dr. Cynthia Forster-Gibson, is a family physician practising in clinical genetics, Physician Lead in the Genetics Program at Trillium Partners, Mississauga, Ontario, and assistant professor in the department of laboratory medicine and pathobiology at the University of Toronto in Ontario.

This is an update to a previous version of this tool, published as Genetic Assessment: Frequently Asked Questions, in: Sullivan WF, Developmental Disabilities Primary Care Initiative Scientific and Editorial Staff, editors. Tools for the primary care of people with developmental disabilities. Toronto: MUMS Guideline Clearing House; 2011, p.2-5.